How to Defend a Blue Warrant When You Are on Parole

How to Defend a Blue Warrant When You Are on Parole

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Parole is something that you work hard to achieve. Through a combination of good behavior, program participation, and long-awaited parole hearings, earning parole is a moment of both pride and freedom. Once out, you no doubt have done everything you can to maintain the terms of your parole. You are keeping a job, and attending parole meetings, and you answer the phone when it rings. So if the police show up with a Blue Warrant, it’s normal to be dismayed and upset that your parole is on the line. Especially if you don’t know the reason why they are arresting you.

However, a Blue Warrant isn’t necessarily the end of your parole. You still have a right to defend yourself at the parole termination hearing. This is where you can prove that you did not violate the parole or provide good reasons to maintain your parole if you made a mistake.

At Starr Law, we specialize in defense cases, including Blue Warrant defense at parole termination hearings. Our lawyers can defend your rights. These include your right to maintain your parole in the face of an unjust blue warrant.

What Is a Blue Warrant?

They issue a Blue Warrant in Texas to re-arrest someone who is out on parole. They create Blue warrants when a parole officer reports that one of their parolees violates the terms of their parole.

There is no bail or bond for a blue warrant. However, you do have a right to a timely parole termination hearing so you will not need to be locked up for long before your case is heard. Once they arrest you under a blue warrant, you have three very important rights:

  1. To know the violation a warrant was issued for
  2. The right to a parole termination hearing before they terminate your parole
  3. Right to legal representation

Here’s what you can do to defend yourself against a blue warrant and the risk it represents to your paroled freedom.

Police officers taking notes, looking at a computer while consulting with each other.

Understand the Terms of Your Parole

First, make sure that you clearly understand the terms of your parole. Most paroles share similar rules, such as attending meetings with your parole officer and not leaving the state. However, some parole terms are personalized to the case or individual. It’s important to know the details of your specific parole.

These are the most common parole terms:

  • Maintain employment
  • Establish a permanent address
  • Report regularly for meetings with your parole officer
  • Do not do drugs
  • Submit to drug testing and home searching when requested
  • Do not commit additional crimes
  • Answer the phone when your parole officer calls
  • Do not spend time with known criminals
  • Do not move homes or leave the state without your parole officer’s permission

Personalized parole terms may include:

  • Staying away from a specific person or place
  • Not seeking employment in a specific industry
  • Not handling specific substances

Learn What Violation Is in the Blue Warrant

You have the right to know why they issue a blue warrant. This means that if you ask, they must inform you about which parole violation you supposedly committed. If you were not aware that you committed a parole violation, it is possible that a warrant was issued based on misinformation, by mistake, or due to circumstances you could not control.

One example is that your cellphone died for an hour and you missed a call from your parole officer before the phone recharged. Another might be that you were unaware or improperly informed of a unique term of your parole, like staying away from an old workplace. In some cases, someone may have even falsely reported a violation against you that will need to be disproved.

Lawyer with her defendant writing notes in the court.

Hire a Defense Lawyer for Your Parole Hearing

As soon as you are able, get in touch with a defense lawyer who has experience with parole termination hearings. They will know your full rights as a parolee and how to prepare the best defense to keep your parole.

You have the right to legal representation, though you may not have access to a public defender. This is why practices like Starr Law are available to protect your rights and your parole against false or misguided blue warrants.

Working with your lawyer, you will have three potential goals:

  1. Prove that you did not violate your parole terms
  2. Defend accidental parole violations
  3. Present a good reason to maintain your parole

Prepare Proof That You Did Not Violate Your Parole Terms

Your lawyer will help you study your parole terms and compare them to the reason listed on the blue warrant. You will then go over your activities to identify how you may have been sanctioned for a parole violation.

If you determine that you did not commit the violation listed in the warrant, your attorney will gather evidence to prove this. Ankle bracelet and phone data can both provide detailed information about your location and activities. Modern car features can also provide data. However, if someone else drove your car or used your phone, this might be the source of the misunderstanding.

Female prosecutor with document standing in front of the courtroom.

Prepare to Defend Any Accidental Parole Violation

Accidental parole violations happen, and they are not always good reasons to revoke your parole. For example, being approached by someone you are not supposed to talk to is not the same as seeking them out. Whether due to a protection order or their criminal associations. If evidence can show that you rebuked their approach and ended the encounter quickly, your parole may be defended.

Sleeping through a knock at your door or a phone call also should not be drastic enough to immediately end your parole, especially if you were at home during a known sleep period according to your schedule.

You may have been cited for not having a job or moving without telling your parole officer. But losing your job and quickly searching for a new one or leaving a message and email for your parole officer when they are unavailable can be valid reasons to maintain your parole.

Provide Good Reasons to Maintain Your Parole

Lastly, you have the opportunity to provide a good reason to keep your parole, even if there was a minor violation. For example, providing primary care for your children or an elderly parent or building credibility and progress at your job are both strong arguments that you are not only rehabilitating into society but also that revoking parole could do more harm than good.

Empower Your Lawyer to Defend Your Rights as a Parolee

Secure legal support if they arrest you on a blue warrant or if you think that they issue a blue warrant against you. Let one of the skilled attorneys of Starr Law become your defense. Ensure that we can defend your rights and parole to the best of our ability. Contact us today.