There’s a rap song by Jamie Foxx that goes “Blame it on the Alcohol….,” but it’s not an excuse that holds up too well in court.
Our society talks a lot about entitlements, but there’s not too much discussion of personal responsibility.

There’s no doubt that in general, bad things happen when alcohol gets consumed in excess.
But what’s its relationship to domestic violence?
Does it actually cause domestic violence, or does it just happen to be present during the incident? Could it just be a perception of the public because of how the media presents it?
Unfortunately, There are No Clear Answers…
Is anything in life clear, simple, and obvious?
Research from the University of Minnesota shares the following insights:
- It is a myth that alcohol and drugs cause domestic violence
- Substance abusers use both as an excuse to engage in their actions
- Domestic violence happens because individuals want to exert power and control over their partner, not because they lose personal control consuming alcohol and drugs
- Alcohol and drugs may cause the user to misinterpret their partner’s actions, which makes it easier for them to justify domestic abuse
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence also presents some of their own insights:
- Regular alcohol abuse is an increased risk factor for domestic violence
- Treatment for alcoholism does not cure physically abusive behavior
What Should You Do If You Are Accused of Domestic Violence?
These days, you can count on being arrested if police are called. Victims may not want the arrest or have charges filed, but the police and state make that decision.
And to top it off, sometimes you can be falsely accused of domestic violence too.
Whether you are or are not guilty of what your alleged crimes, you should do this when you are accused of domestic violence:
- Don’t tell the police anything, except to confirm your identity. You aren’t legally required to do anything more than that, no matter how much pressure they put on you.
- Be nice to the police. The court doesn’t look at you in a good light if you are rude, and that can affect your final legal outcome.
- Never sign any written statements.
- Don’t attempt to cut a deal with the police – they do not have the authority to make one.
- Cooperate with all guards and inmates. Your behavior in prison gets reported to the judge, and it affects your final legal outcome.
- Don’t say anything about your case on a jail phone. They’re not always private – and any information you discuss on them can be used against you. If you’re calling your criminal lawyer, simply ask them to come to meet you in prison.
Remember, alcohol’s not responsible for your actions – you are. While it doesn’t cause domestic problems, it does contribute to them.
And if you have problems with alcohol or controlling your temper, find outside help before you cause to hurt you regret for the rest of your life.